SGV honors retiring partner 

SGV honors retiring partner 

SGV partners celebrated the retirement of Assurance Partner Josephine H. Estomo (JHE) on 19 June at the Washington SyCip Development Center. Assurance Leader Martin Guantes and Talent Leader Julie Mateo hosted the program. Country Managing Partner Wilson P. Tan (WPT) delivered the opening remarks and commended JHE’s outstanding contributions to the Firm, emphasizing her efforts in strengthening client relationships and developing the skills of generations of SGVeans. 

WPT, JHE and ARB during the retirement program 

Consulting Partner Leonardo J. Matignas prepared a video musical number and Assurance Partners Albert R. Bon (ARB), Shane D. Tanguin (SDT) and KC S. Catalan (KSC) shared their heartfelt messages for JHE. Assurance Partners Dhonabee Señeres, Jennifer Ticlao, Wanessa Salvador, John Villa, ARB, SDT and KSC presented a special video featuring JHE’s SGV journey with her colleagues, friends and staff.  

Alumni Partners Pong Villamayor, Vic Ibe, Mar Aguas and Cynthia Manlapig also prepared messages for her. Chairman Itos Cruz delivered the closing remarks and emphasized her remarkable stewardship that has helped nurture SGV’s current and future leaders. 

JHE’s token of appreciation 

In honor of her 39 years of invaluable service to the Firm, JHE was presented with a token of appreciation – a sculpture titled A New Chapter. It depicts a woman reading a book under a tree, in her constant pursuit of new knowledge. The program concluded with a message from JHE who expressed her gratitude to SGV, her staff and colleagues.  

 Best wishes on your retirement, JHE! 

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